Council Meeting Announcement and Bulletin for November 11 & 12, 2023

Published: Fri, 11/10/23

​​​​​​ Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church
A Western-Rite Parish of the Antiochian
Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
1325 E. Queen Ave. * Spokane, WA 99207 * (509) 866-6074
Liturgy Schedule

Saturday Vespers: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Matins: 10:00 a.m.

The Twenty-first Sunday in the Season of Trinity
First Vespers
November 11, 2023
November 12, 2023
Note: Metropolitan Saba approved a deacon to serve "Presanctified Masses" at St. Nicholas periodically until a new priest is assigned to the parish.  Our weekly bulletins will keep you abreast of the Vespers, Matins, and Presanctified Mass schedules. The next Presanctified Mass is pending.
Wednesday Wisdom Session with Fr. Fenton
                   -- Link to Teams Platform --

Council Meeting Announcement

Our monthly council meeting (committees and all voting council members) will be held this Twenty-second Sunday in Trinity, November 12, 2023.
There is a list left in the Narthex for parishioners to remember those who need our on-going intercessions to God. 
The list is picked up after the Office by one of the Acolytes so they can be remembered.
Customarily their names are mentioned in the Mass. However, remembrances and intercessions now are moved to the announcements in our Communion Service. 
The parish has a media contact directory with names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers. Please review the list and inform us of any needed changes or updates.
Committee Outreach Message
For your parish, Diocese, Archdiocese, Fr. David, Kh. Mona, Fr. Mark, Kh. Karen, Barbara Myers, Gary Gillmore, and Art Sill.
"O Lord Almighty, the Healer of our souls
and bodies, You Who put down and raise up,
Who chastise and heal also; do You now, in Your
great mercy, visit our brothers and sisters who are sick."

Prayer for Our New Priest (still unknown)

For a Priest
Jesus, eternal Priest, keep this thy Priest, now unknown to our parish family, within the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart, where none may touch him. Keep unstained his anointed hands, which daily touch Thy Sacred Body; keep unsullied his lips, purpled with Thy precious Blood; keep pure and unearthly his heart, sealed with sublime marks of Thy glorious priesthood. Let Thy holy love surround him, and keep him ever spotless from the world. Bless his labours with abundant fruit, and may they to whom he has ministered be here below with joy and consolation, and in heaven his beautiful and everlasting crown. Amen.

For the Increase of Priests
O Almighty God, look mercifully upon Thy Church, and incline the hearts of many of her sons to offer themselves for the work of the sacred ministry; so that by their labors, Thy Light may shine in the darkness of the world, and the coming of Thy kingdom may be hastened by the perfecting of Thine elect. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.    Amen.

Several parishioners have asked for suggestions of Bible commentaries. Here is a selection of commentaries that Fr. David uses:
  • The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of the Holy Gospel According to St. Luke (Volume 3) Available on Amazon or from other retailers like Abe Books.
  • The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to John by Blessed Theophylact (Volume 4) Available in hardcover on Amazon or from other retailers like Abe Books.
  • The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of the Holy Gospel According to St. Mark (Volume 2) Available on Amazon or from other retailers like Abe Books.
  • The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of the Holy Gospel According to St. Matthew (Volume 1) Available on Amazon or from other retailers like Abe Books. Keep in mind that these were written in the tenth century A.D. and they do not conform to our modern "delicate" sensitivities.
Keep in mind that these were written in the tenth century A.D. and they do not conform to our modern "delicate" sensitivities.

Holy Communion - is received by intinction only: Only duly prepared Orthodox Christians may receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Preparation includes the pre-communion fast (see below) and confession to a priest of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. All others may receive a blessing by crossing their arms and bowing their head.
Pre-communion Fast - Unless you are under a doctor's care, all of those between 21-60 are expected to fast from drinking and eating from midnight on Saturday until after communion on Sunday. However, you can have water up until an hour before communion. If we are having a scheduled evening Mass, please eat and drink as close to noon as possible. You can have water up until about an hour before communion. There are exceptions to these rules. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Confession -- TBD
Scripture Readings for the Week - Please visit the English Office website for the daily offices. This site is run by the Brown family and is an excellent resource for when you want to pray the parochial daily offices and you don't have your Psalter and/or Bible handy. It renders very nicely on your phone or tablet devices. 
  • Have an idea to post in the Bulletin? Email Selina at with your topic. It could be discussed at coffee hour.
  • To stay connected with other parishioners, a February 2023 parish social media directory is available from the parish secretary. Email:

Parish website (Soon to be under reconstruction)

St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church

1325 E Queen Ave
Spokane WA 99207

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