St. Nicholas Bulletin for Week of July 8 through 14, 2023

Published: Thu, 07/06/23

Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church

A Western-Rite Parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

1325 E. Queen Ave.
Spokane, WA 99207
Phone: (509) 866-6074

Liturgy Schedule

Saturday Vespers: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Matins: 10:00 a.m.

Fourth Sunday after Trinity
9 July A.D. 2023

St. Dunstan's (StD) Psalter: Ordinary of the Office - p. 247
Opening Versicles (StD 245-246) Simple (or Ferial) Tone
First Vespers Psalms 41-43 (StD 54)
Vesper Hymn (MD 144) O Lux Beata Trinitas  Meter LM
Hymn Versicle (MD 144) V. Let our evening prayer come
up before thee, O Lord. 
R. And let Thy mercy dawn on us.
Old Testament 1 Maccabees 1:1, 7-15
Antiphon to Magnificat: (MD 556) (MD 422; Noted 237) Ye mountains + of
Galboa, let there be neither dew nor rain
upon you; for there the shield of the mighty
is viley cast away; the shield of Saul, as
though he had not been anointed with oil,
How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the
battle! Jonathan was slain upon thy high places!
Saul and Jonathan were lovely and exceeding
pleasant in their lives, and in their death they
were not divided. 
Magnificat St. Dunstan's Psalter p.460
New Testament Lesson Acts 15: 22-35
Nunc Dimittis St. Dunstan's Psalter p.475
Apostles' Creed St. Dunstan's Psalter p. 248
Kyrie Eleison & Pater Noster  St. Dunstan's Psalter p. 249
Collects Fourth Sunday after Trinity Sunday [9 July]
(MD 431) O God, the protector of all that trust...
Collects of the Office (StD 251)
Closing Versicles
Salve Regina
(StD 252)
St. Dunstan's Psalter p. 496

The Fourth Sunday in the Season of Trinity
Matins - St. Dunstan's Psalter
Ordinary of the Office - p. 247
Opening Versicles     (StD 245-246) Simple (or Ferial) Tone
Antiphon on Venite (MBM4) Let us worship the Lord, for He
is our Maker.  
Venite Adoramus Come, let us sing unto the Lord
Matins Hymn (MBM 4) Nocte Surgentes   Meter 11 11 11 5
Matins Psalms 44 - 46 (StD 57)
Old Testament Lesson Genesis 12:1-9
Canticle Hymn Te Deum laudamus (StD 351) Te Deum laudamus 
New Testament Lesson Luke 1:26-38
Antiphon on Benedictus                                                                          Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful, saith the Lord. (MD 557)
Canticle (StD 418) Benedictus Dominus
Apostle's Creed St. Dunstan's Psalter p. 248
Kyrie Eleison & Pater Noster  St. Dunstan's Psalter p. 249
Collects of the Day

Collects of the Office
Fourth Sunday After Trinity Sunday [9 July]
(MD 431) O God, the protector of all that...
St. Dunstan's Psalter p. 251
Closing Versicles St. Dunstan's Psalter p. 252
Salve Regina St. Dunstan's Psalter p. 496
KEY: StD, St Dunstans Psalter; MD, Monastic Diurnal; Noted, Monastic Diurnal Noted;
MBM, Monastic Breviary Matins

Please Remember to Pray for...
Your parish, Diocese, Archdiocese and Fr. Mark, Kh. Karen and Barbara Myers.
Sad News

Sadly we must share the news that Fr. David and Khouriya Mona Cook have retired from the priesthood. Unfortnuately Fr. David's final mass for the Spokane St. Nicholas Orthodox Church was Sunday, June 25, 2023.

While we await our new Father, Metropolitan Saba approved a deacon to serve "Presanctified Masses" at St. Nicholas periodically until a new priest is assigned to the parish.  This is wonderful news and not generally granted.
Keeping You Updated

It is our intention to send out a bulletin each week to keep you abreast of the Vespers, Matins, and Presanctified Mass schedules. Please refer to the latest bulletin to know when the Deacon(s) will be at the parish to distribute the Holy Gifts.


While we are in transition mode, let us continue to fellowship and share ideas of how to grow church membership during coffee hour scheduled right after Sunday Matins. Coffee hour is the best way to stay connected. Bring food of your choice; and help with clean-up afterwards is needed and appreciated.

Last Sunday's Coffee hour was pleasant with two guests and a chance to talk about the Western Rite and the Church. Like all Sundays it was good to visit and get the chance to catch up with those in attendance. We also enjoyed the temperate cool temperature of the parish hall (always nice on hot Sunday days).

Several parishioners have asked for suggestions of Bible commentaries. Here is a selection of commentaries that Fr. David uses:
  • The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of the Holy Gospel According to St. Luke (Volume 3) Available on Amazon or from other retailers like Abe Books.
  • The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to John by Blessed Theophylact (Volume 4) Available in hardcover on Amazon or from other retailers like Abe Books.
  • The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of the Holy Gospel According to St. Mark (Volume 2) Available on Amazon or from other retailers like Abe Books.
  • The Explanation by Blessed Theophylact of the Holy Gospel According to St. Matthew (Volume 1) Available on Amazon or from other retailers like Abe Books.Keep in mind that these were written in the tenth century A.D. and they do not conform to our modern "delicate" sensitivities.
Keep in mind that these were written in the tenth century A.D. and they do not conform to our modern "delicate" sensitivities.
Church Etiquette

St. Nicholas is a well mannered and polite parish. Here are some basic etiquette rules to live by at Church so we remain as such:

  • No Food or Drink allowed in the nave of the Church.
    • This includes gum, candy and water.
  • Clean up after yourself.
    • We do not have a cleaning staff.
  • Unless in Major Holy Orders, all gentlemen will remove head coverings when entering the nave of the Church at all times.
  • Ladies may, at their discretion, avail themselves of the laudable practice of wearing head coverings in the nave of the Church.
  • Unless specifically invited to do so by the priest, do not go behind the altar rail.
    • While performing their duties, before or after Mass, the altar guild is exempted from this restriction.
  • No loud conversations in the narthex or nave of the Church.
    • Please take these conversations outside or to the Church hall.
    • Unless we are saying the responses in the Offices or Mass, we use our quiet voices in Church.
  • This is not a free speech zone.
    • We certainly talk about religion here but we leave all politics in the car.
    • We serve the King of kings in this parish and our Kingdom is the Kingdom of Heaven -- everything else is secondary and must be discussed elsewhere.
  • Profane language will not be tolerated in the Church or the Church hall.
    • If you use profane language in the Church, you will immediately be asked to leave.
Holy Communion - is received by intinction only: Only duly-prepared Orthodox Christians may receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Preparation includes the pre-communion fast (see below) and confession to a priest of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. All others may receive a blessing by crossing their arms and bowing their head.
Pre-communion Fast - Unless you are under a doctor's care, all of those between 21-60 are expected to fast from drinking and eating from midnight on Saturday until after communion on Sunday. However, you can have water up until an hour before communion. If we are having a scheduled evening Mass, please eat and drink as close to noon as possible. You can have water up until about an hour before communion. There are exceptions to these rules. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Confession -- TBD
Scripture Readings for the Week - Please visit English Office website for the daily offices. This site is run by the Brown family and is an excellent resource for when you want to pray the parochial daily offices and you don't have your Psalter and/or Bible handy. It renders very nicely on your phone or tablet devices. 
  • Have an idea to post on the Bulletin? Email Selina at with your topic. It could be discussed at coffee hour.
  • To stay connected with other parishioners, a February 2023 parish social media directory is available from the parish secretary. Email:
  • Have a desire to worship with song? Our next choir practice will be held Saturday, July 8 at 9:30 AM. Please join us.
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church

1325 E Queen Ave
Spokane WA 99207

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